Couple’s Massage Class

Would you like to improve the relationship with your significant other or special friend?

If the answer is yes, then this workshop may be for you!

Without caring nurturing touch, relationships suffer.

Learn skills that will improve your relationship with introductory massage instruction. Couples will give massage to each other, assisted by a certified massage instructor, exploring the different sensations that skilled touch can bring.

  • give you more confidence in touching your partner in a way that he/she desires.
  • be “hands on” loving and connecting.
  • allow couples to get/give immediate feedback from each other.
  • explore different types of touch and how each impacts your partner.
  • teach basic massage skills for pain relief, relaxation, and personal connection.

This two-and-a-half to three-hour session allows each of you to have a one-hour massage with your partner assisted by a certified massage therapist and instructor.

Touch in relationship is incredibly important. This session will help you to grow closer. Skills will be taught that can be carried forward to bring the pleasure of touch for years to come.

Cost of this personally-instructed class is $300, which includes studio space, sheets, and all the accoutrements of a “spa” massage setting. Dress in comfortable clothing for giving a massage.

Classes are available on weekends and weeknights. Schedule at your convenience.

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